Thursday, April 3, 2014

Moments of Momentum

Let me introduce you to one of my new best friends. Momentum.

What do I mean by momentum? Some would call it the snowball effect. It's that intangible force that pushes the team that was once down 20, to go on a 15-0 run to put them within arm's length of victory, and it all started with one clutch defensive stop. It's the crazy desire to clean the entire house after experiencing the mere satisfaction of doing one round of dishes. It's the feeling that nothing can stop you after changing your life for the better in the smallest way, giving you the belief that you can overcome the most daunting of your weaknesses. For me, it's 5am.

I say 5am because I usually wake up to feed my little cutie at 4/4:30am. When she was 4 weeks old, I wanted to try jogging again so badly, but with Leilani's schedule, and Landon's schedule, and me trying to adjust and heal, I thought there was no time and that I had no energy. I realized the only time I would be able to workout that week would be in the wee hours of the morning. Oh boy, I am not a morning person. Even when I used to be a full-time missionary, getting up at 6:30am every day was a challenge. Every. Day. But I had done it, and I decided to try this whole morning thing for a different reason - I was already sleep-deprived anyway, why not give it a shot? 

That is when I started recognizing the momentum in my life. I discovered that after I had my baby fed and burped, I was magically more conscious and coherent than I ever thought I would be. Using that momentum of wakefulness, I put on my running garb - it felt so good to tie on those shoes again. That feeling gave me the boost I needed to actually walk out the door and leave my now-sleeping baby in the care of her likewise snoozing daddy. Though it was a slow-paced and slightly achy "run" (if I could even call it that), that was the jump-start of one of my most productive days in weeks. All because I took advantage of the tiny spark of momentum from the beginning and let it keep rollin. Now some of my 5am's are spent at the gym swimming laps in the pool or on the stationary bike climbing "hills". It all starts from the opportunity given to me from my beautiful crying baby in the early morning. She could have been my excuse, but I chose to make her my catalyst. Never mind that it's still dark outside when I go run, I just wear a goofy headlamp! 

And here is what has given me my latest momentum boost:

Landon just bought me my first road bike this week - and the fact that it was a steal of a deal adds to the excitement. Just took her out for the first time yesterday (during the brief moment of dry roads between periods of rain/snow...what's with that?!). I might just name her "momentum" cause now I want to ride again and again!
Good thing, cause I'll be putting in a lot of miles the next several months. 

What gives you momentum? Seize it. Milk it for all it's worth. Don't let it fade. Keep it rollin... 

1 comment:

  1. Great writing and great thoughts, Rachel! I'm so glad you are feeling energized and motivated as a new mom! Many new moms (and old moms!) really struggle with that. Thanks for the inspiration!
